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change the name of the software-Photo Pus? sounds disgusting

Shankar , 20.06.2011, 08:10
Idea status: under consideration


Robert, 20.06.2011, 15:40
Photopus....looks like Photo Pus. Try PhotOpus, as in Photo Opus.
Joe, 20.06.2011, 21:55
Didn't really think about the name until I read your suggestion.
I have to say that, "Photo Pus," does sound like something
you'd have to get a prescription for :)
thor, 20.06.2011, 22:09
I see the idea of this name like the Octopu which has more tentacles and can do many things in the same time.
So...this name, PhotoPus, gives one the idea that it can alter different images in one action only, not being led to do multiple actions for the same thing.

smiley, 21.06.2011, 05:15
i think those who think the name is disgusting kindly read the comment written by Terry.

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